My “New” Old Sander

So I talked my grandpa into selling me this little beauty for $5.  Wasn’t totally sure it was going to work but it was cheap and in good shape.  Have been using it for a few weeks now and have to say that it is the best sander I have ever used.


We have 2 modern sanders that I used to think worked just fine but I won’t even look at those now.  This thing is VINTAGE.  My grandpa still had the manual with it and the latest date mentioned that I could find mentioned is 1954.  Its only a 2 prong plug but its solid and quiet and when I’m done sanding I can actually feel my hands.  The palm sander I had been using vibrates so bad my hands would go numb within minutes.  My sand paper even seems to last a lot longer.

Here’s my helpers painting my freshly sanded wood which will be part of my new closet organization system very soon.  Will post pictures after it’s installed.


Springtime Bumblebee Pillow

I’m sick of winter!  Today I decided to ignore the snow outside and make some spring pillows.  I think this one might be my new favorite.



I got the awesome bumblebee graphic from  Based on her recommendation I always use Lesley Riley’s Tap transfer paper and it works very well as you can see.

Bumblebee on Chair


Want one of your own?  You can find them here: